Plastic Troubleshooter
On-Line Solutions To Injection Molding Problems
PIM Manufacturing Process Fundamentals

PIM - Manufacturing Process Fundamentals

"Manufacturing Process Fundamentals" is the first in the Plastic Injection Molding (PIM) 4-volume series authored by plastics expert Douglas M. Bryce. This book covers it all and is an excellent resource for both novice and expert alike. PDF Format.


This 278 page PDF digital book contains 11 Chapters covering topics such as The History of the Plastics Injection Molding industry, The Molding Machine, Parameters of the Molding Process, Optimizing Molding Parameters, The Role of the Operator, Basics of Materials, Purpose of the Mold, Auxiliary Equipment, Secondary Operations, Testing and Failure Analysis, and a large Chapter on Troubleshooting Defects.


A huge Glossary wraps up this highly recommended book. Used by companies and schools alike as a training tool for employees and students of all levels and disciplines. PDF eBook Format



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Worldwide Copyrights Reserved by Douglas M. Bryce



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